You Need To Read This Washington Post Editorial That Slams Obama For His Keystone Delay
The Obama Administration last week quietly delayed the Keystone Pipeline yet again, and the only reason for the decision seemed to be to please President Obama’s far left environmentalist allies.
Delaying the Keystone Pipeline takes away an opportunity for the American economy to grow and puts tens of thousands of jobs on hold, and even the Washington Post has had enough.
In an editorial published yesterday, the Washington Post slammed the Obama Administration’s decision. “The administration’s latest decision is not responsible; it is embarrassing,” the paper wrote.
“If foot-dragging were a competitive sport, President Obama and his administration would be world champions for their performance in delaying the approval of the Keystone XL pipeline.”
Noting the well-documented economic benefits, and barely existent environmental concerns, that the Pipeline brings, the Washington Post wrote “The United States continues to insult its Canadian allies by holding up what should have been a routine permitting decision amid a funhouse-mirror environmental debate that got way out of hand.” Read the whole thing here.
We agree. President Obama, it’s time to stop playing petty politics to please your environmentalist allies at the expense of tens of thousands of jobs, economic growth, and American energy security.
Stand with House Republicans as we continue to fight the Obama Administration’s unfounded delays of the Keystone Pipeline:
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