Suzan DelBene Fails to Pay Women the Same As Men Based on Her Own Formula

May 1, 2014

Applying DelBene’s Own Standard to Her Office Shows DelBene Pays Women 54 Cents On The Dollar

WASHINGTON – According to the Obama administration’s math, Washington Rep. Suzan DelBene pays her female employees a paltry 54 cents on the dollar compared with her male staffers. Democrats continue to push a gender income inequality message while paying their own female staffers less than men.

If you apply the Obama administration’s formula for determining equal pay, DelBene’s congressional office disbursements show that the median salary for full-time, year-long female staffers was $31,994.42 in 2013, while the median salary for full-time, year-long male staffers was $59,666.67 during 2013.

“It’s hypocritical for Suzan DelBene to claim she’s championing equal pay for women when females in her office are paid 54 cents on the dollar according to her own formula,” said NRCC Communications Director Andrea Bozek. “If Suzan DelBene is so concerned with gender inequality in the workforce, she should look at the gender disparity in pay in her own office, under her own formula.”

The White House and other Democrat lawmakers have come under criticism in the press for the same hypocrisy as DelBene.



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