60 Year Old Loses Trusted Doctor, Thanks Obama

May 14, 2014

Michelle Pool recently learned that her new insurance plan through Covered California is not accepted by her longtime doctor, after she had called her insurer to confirm her research.

Michelle’s $352 a month gold plan through Covered California exchange seemed like a great deal at the time since it was less expensive than her husbands. However, like many others in America, she fell victim to Obama’s most infamous lie – “If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period.”

Now, Michelle has to find a new doctor and inform him of her pre-existing conditions (diabetes, back surgery and hip surgery) that her old doctor was well experienced with. “It’s not fun when you’ve had a doctor for years and years that you can confide in and he knows you,” Pool said. “I’m extremely discouraged. I’m stuck.”

Unfortunately, this is just one of many similar stories Americans are experiencing since they enrolled in ObamaCare. Many senior-citizens are disheartened and upset that they can no longer see their trusted doctor and will now have to find a new physician. As we saw in the Florida 13 special election, voters will express their outrage and distress with ObamaCare at the polls this election cycle. Taxpayers and families are tired of the Democrat’s failed policy agenda and will elect Republican leaders who will repeal this flawed law and promote healthcare stability.

From Yahoo:

“Insurance agents Craig Gussin in San Diego and Kelly Fristoe in Texas helped dozens of clients switch plans just before the enrollment deadline when clients realized their doctors weren’t covered. Now, they’re struggling to help clients who realized they were in that position after the March 31 enrollment deadline, when consumers are locked into plans for one year.

“Gussin says that even after his mad-dash to make switches before the deadline, he still has a half-dozen clients who are stuck — and he expects the number to grow as more try to schedule with doctors. He and other agents fear it will be one of their most serious issues in 2014.”