NRCC Memo: West Virginia Primary Results

May 14, 2014

TO: Interested Parties

FROM: NRCC Political and NRCC Communications

DATE: MAY 13, 2014
SUBJECT: West Virginia Primary Results

With President Obama’s approval ratings continuing to tank nationwide, Republicans candidates in the 2nd and 3rd District of West Virginia are on the brink of turning West Virginia red. In both districts, Mitt Romney trounced Barack Obama in 2012 – in the 2nd District Romney defeated Obama 60% to 38% and in the 3rd District Romney won 65% to 33%. That was a clear referendum on Obama’s War on Coal which threatens to end West Virginia’s economy as we know it.

Since the 2012 election, Obama has become even more unpopular both nationally and in West Virginia. ObamaCare resulted in thousands of West Virginians being kicked off their health care plan, and a recent report shows that the Mountain State may feel the negative effects of ObamaCare more than the rest of the country. Add in Obama’s push for even more stringent emissions standards, the recipe spells disaster for Democrats this November.

When all is said and done on election day this November, Democrat challengers will be unable to mount serious challenges in the 1st and 2nd District, and Nick Rahall’s support of cap-and-trade, a carbon tax, and ObamaCare will result in Rahall’s defeat.

WV-02: Alex Mooney, R vs. Nick Casey, Jr., D

The son of Cuban refugees, Alex Mooney grew up to experience all that America has to offer for those who come to this country to work hard.  As a young man, Alex worked as an aide on Capitol Hill and saw Washington’s wasteful ways firsthand. Alex is committed to fighting back against Obama’s War on Coal, ObamaCare, and a destructive agenda that is stifling West Virginia’s economy.

Nick Casey Jr. is the ultimate Obama Democrat. As chair of the West Virginia Democratic Party, he not only campaigned for Obama over John McCain, but even supported Obama over Hillary Clinton. Casey called Obama “inspirational” and lauded Obama as the most “bipartisan president” ever. Furthermore, Casey showed his enthusiasm for the president’s health care plan by sponsoring a 2009 ObamaCare bus tour with Obama’s Super PAC and supporting a nationalized health care system.

In what is now an infamous speech, Casey said that “John McCain is confident that ignorant, redneck racists are not going to vote for Barack Obama, because Barack Obama is black.” McCain ultimately won 55% of the vote in West Virginia’s 2nd District. Casey Jr. will have to spend the next several months running from his hateful rhetoric and his unabashed support of President Obama

Geography: PVI: R+11; Romney 60%; Obama 38%. The 2nd District stretches from the Ohio River on the border of Ohio to the Potomac River on the border of Maryland. The district includes West Virginia’s capital city of Charleston, as well as the Eastern Panhandle and the Potomac Highlands region. Since 2001, the district has been represented by Republican Congresswoman Shelley Moore Capito and has voted for the Republican nominee for President the past four presidential elections. Both the Cook Political Report and the Rothenberg Report rate it as Lean Republican.  

WV-03: Evan Jenkins, R v. Nick Rahall, D

Like most West Virginians, Evan Jenkins was unwilling to sit back as President Obama declared a War on Coal and the very lifeblood of West Virginia’s economy. Choosing to fight against President Obama’s destructive agenda, Jenkins switched parties and is running for Congress as a Republican. Jenkins has a strong record of standing up for the coal industry and the health of hard working coal miners and he will continue to do so in Washington.

Jenkins is running against 37-year Congressman Nick Rahall. Rahall has proven himself to be the ultimate Washington insider, cutting beltway deals that may help his political career, but most certainly hurt hard working families in West Virginia. Whether Rahall is supporting cap-and-trade, voting for a carbon tax, or repeating President Obama’s Lie of the Year on ObamaCare, Rahall has been called a “creature of Washington” whose voting record against his state’s economic interests is astounding.

Even Rahall’s supposed support has highlighted his two-faced nature. A recent ad aired by the anti-coal House Majority PAC unwittingly put a spotlight on the fact that Rahall was a significant investor in Massey Energy and quietly sold his interest the day after the Upper Big Branch tragedy.

Geography: PVI: R+14; Romney 65%; Obama 33%. The 3rd District encompasses the southern third of West Virginia and includes the state second largest city Huntington, as well as Beckley, Bluefield, and Princeton. Both Cook Political Report and Rothenberg rate this race as a tossup. 


The following are the unofficial results from Tuesday’s primary election in West Virginia.  These results are unofficial and incomplete.

*Indicates Winner determined by AP

WV-02 – REP Primary    349 of 558 Precincts Reporting – 63%Alex Mooney*                  32%

Charlotte Lane                  21%

Ken Reed                            17%

Steve Harrison                  15%

Ron Walters Jr.                  8%

Jim Moss                             5%

Robert Fluharty                1%

WV-02 – DEM Primary  

349 of 558 Precincts Reporting – 63%

Nick Casey Jr.*                  59%

Meshea Poore                  41%

WV-03 – DEM Primary  

409 of 662 Precincts Reporting – 66%

Nick Rahall*                        65%

Richard Ojeda                    35%