Nick Rahall’s Retirement Tax
If there is one thing that make Nick Rahall angry it’s having to actually talk about his voting record. And one of the worst votes Rahall has ever made was his vote for the ultra-liberal, anti-coal Progressive Caucus Budget.
Not only did that budget have a coal killing carbon tax in it, but it also contained a financial transactions tax. For those not familiar with what such a tax would do, the European experience is instructive. In short, a financial transactions tax costs pension funds BILLIONS OF DOLLARS.
Who relies on this pension funds?
Coal miners, teachers, firefighters, police officers, middle class families, seniors, etc.
Learn more about how Rahall’s Progressive Budget vote will hurt just about everyone that relies on a pension, read here.
NRCC Comment: “When Nick Rahall voted for the Progressive Budget and its pension busting retirement tax, he sent a clear message to anyone that relies on a pension or will someday rely on one – you will have much less money in your pocket. The bottom line is that people that truly care about their retirement should vote no on Nick Rahall and his pension-busting tax plan.”– NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior