5 Quotes From Nancy Pelosi’s Latest Interview That Explain How Badly Democrats Are Doing This Year

May 27, 2014

Nancy Pelosi sat down with Vox last Friday to discuss the 2014 election. As usual, Pelosi let out several eye-brow raising quotes about Democrats, ObamaCare, and their lineup of candidates running for House seats.

Here are just 5 of them.

1. “(Republicans) are opposed to governance. They’re anti-governance.” 

While Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats continue to insist that Republicans are “anti-governance,” dozens of GOP-passed jobs bills continue to languish on Harry Reid’s desk.

Just because Democrats don’t like the jobs-focused, pro-growth agenda that House Republicans have been pushing since we took the House in 2010 doesn’t mean that we’re “anti-governance.” Not to mention that the poor economic record of the past five years of Democratic governance speaks for itself.

2. “One example of governance would be how we rolled out the Affordable Care Act.”

The flawed roll-out of HealthCare.gov is an example of Democrat governance? We actually agree on this one, Nancy Pelosi.

While Republicans dug for answers to explain the massive blunder that was HealthCare.gov, President Obama and House Democrats continued to protect Secretary Sebelius from any accountability while their own credibility – and ObamaCare’s – collapsed.

3. “(ObamaCare) is intact, it’s beautiful.” 

Which part of ObamaCare is beautiful, Nancy Pelosi? The part where millions of Americans lost their health care coverage, despite President Obama’s “Lie of the Year” that they wouldn’t? Is it the skyrocketing prices that you find beautiful? Or the American families that have lost access to their doctors?

4. “A campaign is not just about winning or losing the election…it’s about winning or losing on the ideas.” 

Nancy Pelosi might just be saying this because she knows her liberal House Democrats are going to lose – badly – in November, but even her and the Democrats’ “ideas” are falling short with the American people. Democrats push to make climate change and other liberal favorites a theme of the campaign have fallen flat, with jobs, ObamaCare, and the economy still remaining the top issues.

Even Organizing for Action, the left wing group that has promised to defend Obama’s liberal agenda, has admitted they don’t want the election to be about ObamaCare.

5. “The candidates are superb. They’re excellent.” 

Really? The lineup of DCCC candidates this cycle are definitely note-worthy, but hardly because they’re “superb” and “excellent.”

Martha Robertson, running in NY-23, invited a child molester to headline her campaign kickoff fundraiser. Aimee Belgard in NJ-03 is so unprepared to run for office than even a radio host told her she shouldn’t run until she knew what she was talking about. Ed Jany dropped out of the race in FL-13. Kevin Strouse in PA-08 filled out a questionnaire saying he supported taxpayer funding for sex change operations, Erin Bilbray in NV-03 can’t keep a campaign team together, and Sean Eldridge in NY-19 has refused to speak with local media in the district he wants to represent!
