West Virginia Democrat Congressional Candidate: “It’s so much fun to bash Republicans.”
So Nick Casey wants people to believe that he is bipartisan? That is so very interesting, because Casey has said some nasty things about Republicans over the years. Here are a few gems re: Casey’s “bipartisan” credentials:
- Casey: “If you are on a party committee and you did not do your part this time, I urge you to resign and open the way for others to come forward. If you are on a party committee and supported Republicans this time, I urge you to resign and open the way for others to come forward.” – (Source: “Casey urges turncoat Democratic leaders to resign,” The Associated Press, Nov. 9, 2004)
- Casey: “It’s so much fun to bash Republicans.” (Kris Wise, “Kerry’s theme: Unity Senator tries to connect with state’s conservative Democrats – who gave their votes to Bush in 2000, Charleston Daily Mail, July 16, 2004)
- Casey: “[Republicans] will do anything. They can’t be trusted.” (Source: Lawrence Messina, “Dems, GOP trade barbs on eve of early voting,” The Associated Press, Oct. 12, 2004)
- Casey: “John McCain is confident that ignorant, redneck racists are not going to vote for Barack Obama, because Barack Obama is black.” (Ben Smith, “W. Va. polls tighten, race takes back seat,” Politico.com, Oct. 19, 2008)
- Charleston Daily Mail: “Nick Casey seems like the type of guy who’s ready and willing to jab any Republican for pure enjoyment.” (Source: Jake Stump, “Casey not always a firebrand,” Charleston Daily Mail, Nov. 27, 2006)
- AP: “But state Democratic Party Chairman Nick Casey has been urging party members to vote a straight ticket as the Barack Obama campaign tries to close the gap in that race’s waning days. His party has also sought to bolster its legislative hopefuls with direct mail and radio ads attacking nine Republican candidates.” (Source: Lawrence Messina, “Democrats may have upper hand in legislative races,” The Associated Press, Nov. 2, 2008)
NRCC Comment: “Nick Casey has spent his entire political career tossing offensive insults at anyone that disagrees with his pro-Obama policies. It’s laughable that Casey now thinks he can erase years of vicious attacks on Republican voters in the hopes that they’ll now join him at the campfire to sing Kumbaya.”– NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior