Martha Robertson caught in another lie

June 16, 2014


It seems like everything that Martha Robertson says is false. Whether she is falsely claiming that GOP ops are taking over her website or that the VA is underfunded, Robertson’s campaign is suffering from a serious credibility gap.

Well, she’s done it again. Two weeks ago, a local news station ran a story concerning Robertson’s claim that the VA suffered from “decades of underfunding.” That claim had previously been rates as false.

Robertson then shifted gears and falsely accused Congressman Reed of voting “against reducing the VA backlog, funding to process more disability claims for wounded warriors, medical and prosthetic research, medical services for post-traumatic stress disorder and suicide prevention, and homeless programs for veterans.”

Martha got those talking points straight from a DCCC press release and THOSE EXACT TALKING POINTS WERE JUST RULED FALSE BY POLITIFACT. The full article is linked here (the article references the same talking points used by DCCC is a race in Wisconsin).

So in conclusion, when Martha Robertson speaks, take it with a big grain of salt. What she’s saying is probably FALSE.

NRCC Comment: “There are two things that are now very clear about Martha Robertson – she is far too liberal for her district and no one can believe a thing she says. Whether she is trying to scam her donors with a fraudulent fundraising email or mislead voters with false talking points on the VA scandal, Robertson is the last person Southern Tier families can trust to represent them in Congress.”– NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior