Was Hillary Clinton Talking About $ean Eldridge?

June 24, 2014


ICYMI, Hillary Clinton tried to walk back her “Dead Broke” comment by claiming that she was not like the truly well off. Here is exactly what she said:

“But they don’t see me as part of the problem because we pay ordinary income tax, unlike a lot of people who are truly well off, not to name names; and we’ve done it through dint of hard work.”

So who is Hillary talking about? What kind of person is truly well off, really hasn’t worked a real job a day in his life, and probably doesn’t pay ordinary income tax?

Could it be that Hillary is talking about $ean Eldridge? After all, $ean is 27 years old, using his $700 million fortune to try and buy a seat in Congress, hasn’t put in a real day of work in his life, and probably doesn’t pay ordinary income taxes.

And Eldridge lives in Garrison, NY which is only about 30 minutes from the Clinton compound in Chappaqua.

In any event, even if she didn’t specifically have $ean in mind, when out-of-touch Hillary is describing the truly out-of-touch it sure sounds like that is who she is talking about.

NRCC Comment: “When out-of-touch Hillary Clinton talks about the ‘truly’ out-of-touch, it sure sounds like she’s pointing the finger at Sean Eldridge. Hillary should be careful though – when Eldridge needs to poll people to learn about the middle class experience, she may find her neighbor Sean knocking on the door.”– NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior