The Democrats Have A Major Enthusiasm Problem in 2014. This Chart Shows How Bad It Is

June 26, 2014

According to a new poll from Democracy Corps, Democrats are suffering from a pretty bad enthusiasm deficit.

Between ObamaCare’s failings, a slowing economy, multiple scandals, and a complete lack of accountability, the drop in enthusiasm to vote among Obama’s core coalition of voters – African Americans, young people, Latinos, and unmarried women – isn’t surprising.

According to the poll, there’s a 17-point gap between Obama coalition voters who say they are “almost certain” to vote and other voters who say the same.

Further, that gap has been growing – from 11-points in March 2013 to 17-points now.

Maybe it’s time President Obama quit his liberal, big government agenda, and start focusing on commonsense economic solutions to create jobs.

From the Washington Post:


We wrote back in April how troubling this news is for Democrats. That’s because their 2008 and 2012 coalitions were notable in large part because of these four groups, which don’t generally turn out big but did so for Obama.

And the effect on the 2014 election is clear. While the less-enthusiastic “Rising American Electorate” (the pollster’s name for the Obama coalition) favors Democrats by 19 points, all of the other, more-enthusiastic voter groups combine to favor Republicans by 18 points.

And these aren’t the only polls to suggest midterm turnout is a looming problem for Democrats. An April AP-GfK poll showed, among those who are strongly interested in politics — i.e. most apt to vote — people favored a GOP-controlled Congress 51 percent to 37 percent.