24 Hours Later, Hateful Tweets Are Still Up, And Julia Brownley Remains Silent
It’s been almost 24 hours, and Julia Brownley still hasn’t stepped up to condemn Ventura County Democrats Chair David Atkins’ racist, demagogic, offensive tweets from last week.
Meanwhile, Atkins’ himself is showing no signs of remorse. He spent all of yesterday defending his racist comments, attacking NRCC staff, proudly calling himself an “Elizabeth Warren Democrat” (I wonder if she agrees?) and retweeting his few far-left followers who happen to agree. (Seriously, check out his Twitter timeline from the past 24 hours.)
Even a spokesman from the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee decided to weigh in by retweeting a liberal who apparently shares Atkins’ #TickTock #Waiting glee about dying “white dudes.”
Apparently the DCCC agrees with Atkins’ race-baiting comments. But what does Julia Brownley, an elected official from Ventura County, think? She has remained silent. Does she agree with David Atkins’ comments about Democrats waiting for white voters to die? Or doesn’t she? Does she think Atkins’ comments are representative of the Democrats in Ventura County? Or does she subscribe to his far-left, hate-filled politics?
This shouldn’t be this hard.
Red State: Ventura County, CA Democratic chair David Atkins literally rooting for Republican voters to die.
Free Beacon: How the Ventura County Democratic Chair Spent His Fourth of July on Twitter
Town Hall: Local Democratic Chairman: Happy Fourth Of July, Conservatives Suck
NRCC Comment: “Julia Brownley is taking a cowardly path by refusing to condemn David Atkins’, the leader of the Ventura County Democrats, racist and hate filled tweets. It’s one thing for Atkins’ to remain unapologetic, but it’s quite another for an elected leader of California’s 26th District to allow this to go on without her condemnation. Julia Brownley owes it to the voters of Ventura County to condemn his behavior immediately and send a strong signal that hateful rhetoric like this has no place in California’s political dialogue.” – NRCC Digital Press Secretary Andrew Clark