Ventura Democrats Chair Refuses To Apologize For Racist Comments, Julia Brownley Still Hiding

July 9, 2014

Here’s the latest: now we know where David Atkins, the Chairman of the Ventura County Democrats, stands on his racist, hate-filled comments.

In an interview with the Ventura County Star yesterday, Atkins’ was given the chance to apologize for tweeting his glee that older white voters will soon be dying. Instead, he doubled down yet again. “All statements are my own,” he said. “I make no apologies.” 

Now we know where Atkins stands. We know where the Ventura County GOP stands. But still, no one knows where Julia Brownley, the symbolic leader of the Ventura County Democrats, stands. She’s been quiet, hoping that no one will ask her to comment on her ally David Atkins’ incendiary comments.


Even the Ventura County Star wrote yesterday, “Perhaps Brownley and other leading Democrats in the county need to have a serious conversation about whether it is helpful, or even appropriate, for the party chairman to be so openly and frequently provocative.”

The fact that Julia Brownley, who is seeking a second term to serve as Ventura County’s leader in Congress, is finding it so difficult to condemn Atkins’ comments is revealing. Is she afraid to step up as a leader and condemn her Party Chairman’s racist, vitriolic comments? Or does she agree with them? Is she afraid to ruffle feathers and remove Atkins’ name from her endorsement list? Or does she subscribe to Atkins’ brand of hate-fueled politics? Where in the world is Julia Brownley?!

Julia Brownley has been given an opportunity to prove to the voters of Ventura County what kind of leader she wants to be. Her silence speaks volumes.

NRCC Comment: “Julia Brownley’s deafening silence when asked to condemn the Democrat Party Chairman’s racist, hate-filled attacks on Republicans is not only mind-boggling, but revealing as to what kind of Congresswoman she wants to be. Ventura County deserves a leader who will stand up and oppose vile political attacks, not one who will hide and refuse to condemn a Democrat Chairman whose endorsement she apparently needs on her website.” – NRCC Digital Press Secretary Andrew Clark