NRCC Sends Tim Bishop a Nancy Pelosi Stamp of Approval

July 18, 2014

Nancy Pelosi is Financing Campaigns for Support of Her Liberal Agenda

WASHINGTON – Days before his lavish fundraiser with Governor Martin O’Malley (D-MD) and Nancy Pelosi, the NRCC sent Tim Bishop a custom made rubber stamp with the text “Tim Bishop, Approved by Nancy Pelosi” as he continues to follow her commands.

Unfortunately for New York families, a vote for Tim Bishop is also a vote for Nancy Pelosi and her job-killing legislation like ObamaCare. If re-elected to Congress, Bishop will continue to turn his back on Long Island families so that he can vote “yes” for Pelosi and her toxic, anti-middle class agenda.

“Tim Bishop continues to show that being on the right side of Nancy Pelosi is more important than standing up for Long Island families,” said NRCC Communications Director Andrea Bozek. “The more money he accepts from Pelosi, the more Bishop proves that he is bought and paid for by Washington D.C. liberals.”

FYI, a similar version of this release below went out to the following districts: Ann Kirkpatrick (AZ-01), Amanda Renteria (CA-21), Andrew Romanoff (CO-06) and Ann Kuster (NH-02) 
