We Still Remember The Democrats’ $1 Trillion “Investment” That Ended Up Being A Gigantic Flop

July 18, 2014

President Obama is hoping you forget, but we won’t: the Democrats’ stimulus plan failed to reduce the unemployment rate as promised, and wastefully spent $1 trillion in the process.

A new report from the House Ways and Means Committee offers a reminder that the unemployment rate continued to skyrocket after Democrats spent $1 trillion in wasteful stimulus spending to fix it, despite their promises otherwise. Remember when Democrats also predicted that the stimulus would lower unemployment to 5% by 2013? That was yet another liberal promise that clearly did not come true.

With that much careless spending, the American people demand better results, and President Obama failed to deliver.

Meanwhile, Republicans in the House are fighting hard to create jobs without needless overspending. House Republicans have passed 40 jobs bills that are sitting in the Senate, waiting for action from Senator Harry Reid.

Something to keep in mind when you head to the polls in November.

From the House Ways & Means Committee:
