What’s $ean Eldridge’s Tax Rate?
I encourage you to take a break from your Wednesday and play a little game called “What’s $ean Eldridge’s tax rate?” Is it 10%? 15%?
Here’s what it probably isn’t –à 30%. Because $ean, whose income is solely from investments, likely takes advantage of every available tax break this country (and perhaps others) offer.
But that didn’t stop him from pontificating in an interview yesterday about the Buffett Rule, which requires people like $ean to pay a minimum of 30% of their income to the federal government.
Now, judging how $ean has responded to the questions about investing in companies he criticizes, we’re pretty sure he would explain his hypocrisy by saying something like: “We just play by the rules as their written – but I’m sure gonna change that when I get elected.”
But here’s the problem – there’s nothing in the rules as they are written that requires Chris Gibson to return his military pension to the federal government. But he does anyway.
So we invite $ean to make up the difference for what he pays in taxes and 30% of his income by donating it back to the taxpayers today – he can do it right here.
NRCC Comment: “Sean Eldridge is once again showing himself to be the quintessential phony politician. If Eldridge thinks that multimillionaires like him need to pay more to the federal government, he should follow Chris Gibson’s lead by getting out his checkbook and voluntarily returning money back to the taxpayers.”– NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior