Happy Birthday $ean Eldridge!!!!!!!

July 31, 2014


Make sure you  join us in wishing $ean Eldridge a happy 28th birthday today.

Last year we sent $ean a copy of the book “This Town.” This year we are going to offer to pick up the tab from $ean to have a cup of coffee at Lodge Restaurant in Brooklyn with his new neighbor to the north, Aaron Woolf (who also happens to own Lodge).

We recognize that $ean has had a REALLY tough time connecting to middle class families in his new district and we thought it would help to connect him to Woolf, another multimillionaire transplant from Manhattan who is having trouble connecting with middle class families in his new district.

Look at all the two have in common:

Both are from in Manhattan.

Both have had Congressional ambitions for years – $ean has wanted to run for Congress since 2005; Woolf has wanted to run for Congress since 2007.

Both are using other people’s money to self-fund those Congressional ambitions.

Both are hypocrites – $ean criticizes companies and industries in which he invests, Woolf runs an organic grocery store and criticizes America’s addiction to fast food, while reaping profits from his ownership stake in McDonalds and Altria, the parent company of Phillip Morris.

Both have done their best to dodge tough questions from the media.

Both are going to lose on November 4.

NRCC Comment: “Manhattan multimillionaires Sean Eldridge and Aaron Woolf have both moved upstate and are trying to use their wealth to try and purchase a seat in Congress to fulfill their personal ambitions. What neither seem to realize is that being a Congressman is not a hobby for multimillionaires – it is a responsibility that neither has earned.”  – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior