According to Julia Brownley, the German Luftwaffe Has Arrived In Ventura County

August 4, 2014

Are there no veterans in Ventura County?

That’s what you might think after taking a look at Julia Brownley’s latest taxpayer-funded mailer, which touted her work on behalf of California’s 26th District. There must be no veterans in Ventura County though, because Brownley decided it would be appropriate to use a stock photo of a woman dressed in the uniform of the German Luftwaffe. Seriously, check out the mail piece right here.

No one decided to do some quick research to find out what this photo was all about? No one in her office, which claims they’re on the side of veterans, realized that no branch of the U.S. military wears a uniform like the one in the photo? No one thought that using a picture of a woman dressed in the German Air Force uniform was inappropriate?Brownley-campaign-flyer

We’re not sure whether to laugh at the blatant carelessness, or cry at this shocking and belittling waste of taxpayer dollars.

Julia Brownley needs to apologize for spending taxpayer dollars to send a mailer out to her constituents that didn’t even feature an AMERICAN veteran, much less a veteran from Ventura County.

NRCC Comment: “The fact that Julia Brownley couldn’t even find a picture of an American veteran to highlight her ‘support’ for veterans in Ventura County speaks volumes about how out-of-touch she is from voters and veterans alike. This taxpayer-funded embarrassment is a slap in the face to her constituents who actually served in the U.S. military, including her opponent Jeff Gorell. Julia Brownley needs to explain how this blunder happened, and apologize to Ventura County’s veterans and taxpayers for valuing a stock photo over their sacrifice.” – Andrew Clark, NRCC Digital Press Secretary