This Democrat Thinks Mitch McConnell is Senate Majority Leader

August 4, 2014

 How does Nick Rahall still have a job? Seriously. He consistently votes against the economic interests of his state and is a lying, out-of-touch hypocrite who can’t put his money where his mouth is. A couple of videos from the weekend sum that up nicely here.

But this new piece of digital film might take the cake. Check out this video where Rahall blames the War on Coal on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Yes, Rahall is upset that McConnell isn’t taking up the House’s attempts to reign in the EPA.

We too are frustrated with the do-nothing Senate. But maybe someone in Rahallworld should let him know that the Senate is currently run by Harry Reid and the Democrats! And that it is Reid and the Senate Democrats – not Mitch McConnell and the Senate Republicans – that are blocking House Republican bills in the Senate.

NRCC Comment: “It is absolutely laughable that Nick Rahall is now trying to pin blame for Obama’s War on Coal on Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans. Either Rahall is trying to deceive voters into thinking the Senate minority leader controls the Senate agenda, which is ridiculous, or he literally has no idea who is in charge of the United States Senate. Neither of those options reflect well on Rahall’s fitness to continue serving in Congress.” – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior