ObamaCare Premiums Are On The Rise. Is Yours?

August 5, 2014

According to a new article from National Journal, people who keep with their current health care plan, instead of switching, will be forced to pay higher premiumsdue to ObamaCare’s hidden costs.

Unfortunately, switching health care plans is no easy task as taxpayers will have to get new doctors, adjust to new out-of-pocket expenses and navigate the still, flawed HealthCare.gov.

With less than 100 days to the election, ObamaCare’s unpopularity and failures are proving to be the demise of many Democrats’ campaigns. Taxpayers deserve a Republican leader in Congress who will promote real health care reform by repealing ObamaCare.

From The National Journal:

“Insurance plans generally raise their premiums every year, but those costs are just the tip of the iceberg for millions of Obamacare enrollees. A series of other, largely invisible factors will also push up many consumers’ premiums.”