When Will Julia Brownley Apologize For The German Luftwaffe Photo In Her Taxpayer Funded Mail Piece?

August 5, 2014

It’s been 24 hours since the news broke that Julia Brownley used a stock photo of a woman in German Luftwaffe uniform, instead of a real U.S. veteran, on her taxpayer funded mail piece.

We still have no explanation from Brownley’s office as to how this happened.

We still have no answer from Brownley’s office as to how much this flawed and offensive mailer cost taxpayers, and if she will offer a refund. (We know that Brownley already spends A LOT on franked mail, more than $23,000 in the last quarter alone.)

And Brownley has still refused to apologize to actual veterans from Ventura County.

As a sitting member on the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, voters in Ventura County can expect better than having their congresswoman use a foreign military stock photo to show her support for America’s veterans.

When will she start talking?

NRCC Comment: “Julia Brownley still hasn’t offered any explanation as to how this embarrassing stock photo of the German Luftwaffe ended up in her taxpayer-funded mail piece. Brownley needs to give a refund to the taxpayers of Ventura County for paying for this blunder, and apologize to the veterans in her district for failing to include a real picture in her publicity stunt.” – Andrew Clark, NRCC Digital Press Secretary