Emily Cain More Extreme than Chellie Pingree?
While looking at Emily Cain’s positions on federal issues we can’t help asking – is this too extreme?
For example, Cain supports moving to a Canadian-style healthcare system where everyone is forced to get their health insurance from the government and she thinks that the VA provides the model. Let that sink in for a minute.
Cain also supports repealing the remainder of the Bush tax cuts. By doing so, she would be raising taxes on middle and low income families that rely on the child tax credit and the earned income tax credit. As you recall, on New Year’s Eve of 2012 most Democrats – including Mike Michaud and Chellie Pingree – voted to eliminate the Bush tax cuts for some individuals and small businesses, but to keep those tax cuts for middle and low income earners.
And as if raising income taxes on families and small businesses isn’t enough, Cain also want to raise Social Security payroll taxes paid by both employees and employers.
So again we ask – is this too extreme?
NRCC Comment: “Emily Cain is so far to the left on federal issues that she would have broken ranks with Democrats like Mike Michaud and Chellie Pingree to vote against extending tax breaks to low and middle income families. To add insult to injury, Cain takes the extreme position that Obamacare does not go far enough and that all Americans should be forced into a VA-like insurance system where the government is completely in charge of health care options.”– NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior