$ean Eldridge To Leave NY-19 After November

August 11, 2014


I wanted to share with you some audio from an August 2, 2014 event in Hillsdale, NY where $ean Eldridge was unwilling to commit to continue living in the 19th District of New York if he loses this November.

Check out the audio here.

It’s a little difficult to hear, but $ean did his usual thing – there was a question about whether he would still live and work in NY-19 if he lost, and $ean answered by saying he is committed the “Hudson Valley” – which doesn’t answer the question since his Garrison (NY-18) home is also in the “Hudson Valley.” This is the same deceptive rationale $ean he when says he has lived in the “Hudson Valley” since 2011 in response to questions about moving to NY-19 last year just to run for office.

So we encourage you to follow up and ask $ean (1) if he even lives in NY-19 now or just has a house there so he can run for Congress, and (2) will he keep his house and live in NY-19 if he loses in November or will he move back to his $5 million Garrison house or his $5 million SoHo loft (pictured above)?

NRCC Comment: “Sean Eldridge has once again shown just how shameless he is in his ambitions to join his liberal friends in Washington D.C. Despite a very clear question about whether he would live in the 19th District of New York after a loss in November’s election, he avoided the question and showed how shallow his commitment to the 19th district really is.”– NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior