NRCC Memo: Connecticut Primary Results

August 13, 2014



DATE: AUGUST 12, 2014


With two weak incumbents and an even weaker governor at the top of the ticket, Connecticut—a traditionally Democrat state—is poised for a strong Republican year. From now through Election Day, the NRCC will remain engaged in the Nutmeg State as it seeks to hold both Elizabeth Esty and Jim Himes accountable for their records of failure in Washington.


CT-04: Dan Debicella, R vs. Rep. Jim Himes, D

Voting 87 percent of the time with President Obama was not the leadership Connecticut’s 4th district was expecting when it sent Jim Himes to Washington in 2008. Throughout his time in Washington, Himes has merely become part of the problem.

Let’s face facts: Jim Himes is no “moderate.” In 2009, he voted for ObamaCare, the trillion-dollar stimulus, and a national energy tax. Since then, he’s been a reliable vote for both President Obama and Nancy Pelosi—even voting against a balanced budget.

Dan Debicella is ready to bring change to Washington and give the 4th district the independent voice it deserves. He has spent time both in state government and in the business world and realizes that lasting economic growth comes not from government but from small businesses and entrepreneurs.

Geography: PVI: D+5; The district covers the southwest part of the state including Fairfield County.

CT-05: Mark Greenberg, R vs. Rep. Elizabeth Esty, D

In 2012, Elizabeth Esty squeaked out a victory over Andrew Roraback with President Obama on the top of the ballot in Connecticut’s most conservative district. With Esty facing her first challenge in a midterm election and unpopular Governor Dan Malloy dragging down the entire Democrat ticket, we expect this race to be a top target this fall.

Esty hasn’t been in Congress long, but in mere weeks she proved to be a natural Washington insider. Her election night speech—where Esty was introduced by none other than Malloy—focused on fighting Super PACs and special interests. In fact, she said she was “very, very committed to this cause.” However, weeks after paying lip service to this commitment, she appeared in a commercial for Nancy Pelosi’s Super PAC. She even attributed her victory to the organization.

Esty’s time in politics has also been dogged by allegations of crony capitalism. She’s accepted tens of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from industries her husband regulated in his taxpayer-funded position with the state of Connecticut—included thousands from lobbyists who paid Esty’s husband over $200,000 in consulting fees.

There’s enough backroom deals and corruption in Washington without Elizabeth Esty. The residents of the 5th district deserve a representative who’s accountable to them, not a career politician embracing crony capitalism.

That’s why Mark Greenberg will be victorious in November. Mark is not a politician, he has spent his career in business and is a proven job creator. He has spent the campaign talking about the issues that are on the minds of voters in the 5th district, namely jobs and the economy.

The contrast between Esty and Greenberg could not be clearer: a career politician versus a career job creator.

Geography: PVI: D+3; The district covers the northwest corner of the state and includes the citiesof Danbury, New Britain, and Waterbury.