Diners, Dives and Disappointment
With President Obama vacationing this week in Martha’s Vineyard, Americans are still asking: Where are the jobs? Our veterans are suffering from this administration’s failures. There’s the crisis on our border. And America is growing weaker abroad.
But the president seems more interested in playing pool, drinking beers and grabbing burgers. So it’s no surprise a majority of Americans now view President Obama and his administration as incompetent.
With the president dragging down Democrat incumbents coast-to-coast, he might want to spend August visiting some of their districts. And since he’s not interested in dealing with any real issues – he could even visit some diners and dives along the way.
Each week in August the NRCC will profile new districts for the president to visit.
President Obama and these Democrat incumbents might just learn how disappointed the American people are.
Florida’s 2nd Congressional District
Tallahassee, Panama City
Democrat: Gwen Graham
The Dish: In what looks like a bad re-run of Florida political campaigns of years past, Gwen Graham is trying to resurrect the family name and run for Congress in this Republican-leaning district located near Florida’s panhandle. While she has yet to talk about her past of supporting extremely liberal presidential hopefuls or her previous donations to the Obama campaign, Gwen will have to answer for her extreme past on Election Day.
What’s on tap: Who doesn’t love Florida? Why wouldn’t President Obama want to come down to the Sunshine State and campaign alongside Gwen Graham? So far Gwen has tried to distance herself from Obama and Nancy Pelosi but her past support of extreme liberals like John Kerry and Howard Dean ensure that Florida families will have a solid vote for the Pelosi-Obama agenda in Congress. While in town, President Obama can hit the campaign trail for one of Gwen’s work days – maybe they can scope out the unemployment line seeing their policies have cause it to swell over the years.
Georgia’s 12th Congressional District
Savannah, Augusta
Democrat: John Barrow
The Dish: John Barrow is labeled the last white Democrat in the Deep South. A liberal wolf in conservative sheep’s clothing, Barrow has deceived voters into thinking he’s one of them but in Washington Barrow sides with Nancy Pelosi.
What’s on tap: What better location for a presidential visit than Savannah or Augusta? The 12th District is home to great Southern cuisine and could also give both Barrow and Obama insight into why their way of doing things in Washington just does not work for Georgia families. John Barrow has avoided Obama in his re-elect this year but voters won’t forget that he endorsed the President and said he would work “hand-in-hand” with Barack Obama. It’s time for John Barrow to hit the road but why not one visit from the Commander-in-Chief to help him start his farewell tour?
Virginia’s 10th Congressional District
Northern Virginia
Democrat: John Foust
The Dish: Virginia’s 10th Congressional District is the top priority for Nancy Pelosi’s campaign committee, the Clinton machine and Barack Obama’s political team. They know they need to win seats like the 10th District to have any hopes of gaining control of the House this November.
What’s on tap: What better place for President Obama to come visit than the 10th District which is a short 20 minute drive from the White House. While John Foust dodged Obama the last time he was in McLean, surely Foust would like to stand on the stump with Obama this close to the election. He’s already had Nancy Pelosi in town to raise money so why would Foust be shy about welcoming Obama to town? Together, Foust and Obama can learn about how their love of tax increases, pushing Obamacare and their desire of having Nancy Pelosi as Speaker again is really hurting the local economy and families who live in the 10th District.
West Virginia’s 3rd Congressional District
Coal Country
Democrat: Nick Rahall
The Dish: In Congress since Gerald Ford was President, Nick Rahall supported Barack Obama for President in 2008 and 2012 and has voted time and time again for Obama’s anti-coal agenda. Whether voting for cap-and-trade, a carbon tax, or against a bipartisan bill that would stop the EPA from waging Obama’s war on coal, Rahall has repeatedly sold out West Virginia to keep his precious status in Nancy Pelosi’s inner circle.
What’s on tap: President Obama and Nick Rahall are really going to have a packed trip together. They can grab beers with the 1,100 coal miners that received layoff notices because of Obama and Rahall’s war on coal, then they can stop off at a local diner to chat with the 8,800 West Virginians who received notices that their health care plans will be canceled because of Obamacare. If they have time, they could head down to a certain golf course in Greenbrier County where Rahall can thank Obama for getting all his anti-coal billionaire friends to spend millions on his re-election.
Stay tuned for the next leg of our road trip next week!