New: NRCC TV Ad on John Barrow

August 15, 2014

The National Republican Congressional Committee hit the airwaves today in Augusta and Savannah with an ad highlighting John Barrow’s consistent votes with President Obama to increase government spending and cause Georgia families to pay the price.

Click here to watch the ad:

1st Barrow TV Ad

“John Barrow has spent his political career in Washington voting with Barack Obama for more government spending and that has left the taxpayers footing the bill. Georgia families deserve a representative who is looking out for their bottom line and not someone like John Barrow who has only furthered the spending addiction of Congress.”– Katie Prill, NRCC Spokeswoman


Woman: I’m Amy Parris.

I have two girls, three boys.

It’s natural as a parent to be worried about your children’s future.

When John Barrow votes with Obama to increase spending, it is jeopardizing the future of my children.

John Barrow votes with Barack Obama on every issue that’s important to us here in Georgia.

He gets wrapped up in the politics of Washington and forgets about the constituents back home.

We have to choose somebody else.

