Democrats Drowning In Pelosi’s Swamp

August 20, 2014

NRCC Launches New Website Airing Democrats’ Dirty Laundry

WASHINGTON – Today, the National Republican Congressional Committee unveiled, Drain the Swamp, a website dedicated to shining a bright light on the abuses of power and rampant crony capitalism in Nancy Pelosi’s Democrat party. Pelosi once pledged to “drain the swamp,” but now desperate to regain power, she’s hitched her wagon to corrupt candidates who are drowning in the muck.

“Pelosi’s swamp is overflowing with unethical candidates,” said Andrea Bozek, NRCC Communications Director. “Nancy Pelosi and Democrats are so desperate to regain complete liberal control of Washington, they are backing candidates who have more dirty laundry than the Real Housewives.”



To learn more, visit the “Drain the Swamp” website here:

FYI, the Drain the Swamp website targets the following Democrats: John Tierney (MA-06), Martha Robertson (NY-23), Tim Bishop (NY-01), Nick Rahall (WV-03), Aaron Woolf (NY-21), Sean Patrick Maloney (NY-18), Charlie Rangel (NY- 13), Elizabeth Esty (CT-05), Scott Peters (CA-52), John Lewis (MT-AL), Alan Grayson (FL-09), Joe Garcia (FL-26) and James Lee Witt (AR-04).

Pelosi’s swamp is hurting taxpayers across the country.

(Brian Williams, “Rep. Pelosi poised to make history”, NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams, 11/08/2006)