Why The Latest Poll In The Connecticut Governor’s Race Is Really, Really Bad News For Elizabeth Esty
Rasmussen is out with a new poll showing Republican Tom Foley with a 7 point lead over failed Democrat Governor Dan Malloy.
It’s bad news for Dan Malloy, but it’s even worse news for Elizabeth Esty.
Remember, Congresswoman Esty barely beat her opponent in 2012 with President Obama’s reelection driving turnout in Connecticut’s most conservative district.
This is the first time she’s had to run in a midterm election and she’s doing it with one of the most unpopular governors in the country (and one of her biggest supporters) at the top of the ballot.
Just last month, she was caught on video effusively praising Malloy as a “leader” and said he’s “doing the right thing.” She even said she can’t understand why he’s not more popular.
NRCC COMMENT:“Make no mistake, a vote for Elizabeth Esty is a vote to send Dan Malloy’s unpopular agenda down to Washington. The failed policies of the past promoted by Esty and Malloy are the last thing Connecticut needs right now.” – Matt Gorman, NRCC Spokesman
P.S. – In case you missed it earlier in the week, Esty was also named to the NRCC’s “Drain the Swamp” crew as one of the most corrupt Democrats in Congress.