9 Awards That Obama Could Have Won Last Night At The Emmys
Fans of the President were no doubt saddened to hear that the rumors of President Obama attending the Emmys last night were not true.
E! is reporting that President Obama may be at the #Emmys tonight.
— ArtsMic (@ArtsMic) August 25, 2014
There’s always next year. But if the Emmys hope for President Obama to come, they might want to add in a few more awards categories. May we suggest a few that he would almost certainly take home the Emmy for.
1. “Outstanding Unpopular Piece Of Legislation.”
After four years of delays, mistakes, and broken promises, ObamaCare continues to remain deeply unpopular with the voters. For signing this piece of legislation in 2010, President Obama would easily earn an Emmy nomination in this category.
2. “Outstanding Lie Of The Year.”
Oh wait, President Obama actually already won this award from Politifact.
3. “Outstanding Presidential Performance In Ignoring Real Scandals.”
Remember when President Obama said that the IRS and the AP scandals were all “phony?” It was a stellar performance. If this was a category, he would surely have been nominated.
4. “Golfer of the Year.”
For all of the times President Obama has been detached from his own presidency and headed to the golf course, he would most definitely bring home the award.
5. “Outstanding President In A Failing Economy.”
Too many Americans are unemployed and want higher wages. Americans want common-sense jobs plans that create jobs and get government out of the way, but President Obama continues to turn the other cheek. For this category, President Obama would probably be the only nominee.
6. “Outstanding Performance In Refusing To Approve Common Sense Jobs Projects.”
The White House’s stonewalling on the Keystone Pipeline has been nothing short of extraordinary. You almost have to hand it to the president and his team; they have the gall to delay a project that will create thousands of jobs, just so they can placate their far-left base. Who wouldn’t applaude him winning this Emmy?
7. “Outstanding Performance In Targeting Of Political Opponents.”
The House is still determined to get to the bottom of what exactly happened at Obama’s IRS. They admitted they targeted conservative groups solely for their political beliefs. That’s a disgrace and flies in the face of everything this country stands for.
8. “Outstanding Achievement In Email Deletion”
Because when the IRS said they lost many of Lois Lerner’s emails, we believed them (well, kind of).
9. “Lifetime Achievement Award” to Nancy Pelosi
She has spent the past few years desperate to return to power and join with President Obama for complete liberal control of Washington. Who knows – if Nancy Pelosi was a nominee, she might invite President Obama along to watch her win it!
This may be satire, but President Obama and Nancy Pelosi’s liberal agenda is very real. Sign up today to help House Republicans fight back:
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