Joe Garcia Can Thank Justin Bieber
Carlos Curbelo’s strong primary victory last night means trouble for corrupt Congressman Joe Garcia. While Democrats hoped Curbelo would struggle to make it through his primary, last night’s huge victory proved that he is a force to be reckoned with. Even one of the top political analysts with the Cook Political Report in Washington said last night’s victory sends Curbelo into the general election as the “ever-so-slight fave over Rep. Joe Garcia.”
This is a district President Obama won overwhelmingly in 2012 and is now up for grabs thanks to Garcia’s absentee ballot voter fraud plot and the federal investigation into a possible Garcia rigged straw candidate from the 2010 race. Way to go Joe!
NRCC Statement:“Congressman Joe Garcia most likely spends his days worrying about going to jail for corruption, but now Garcia has to worry about losing his seat thanks to his competition with Justin Bieber over who is the biggest wannabe gangster. Carlos Curbelo offers South Florida families a chance to vote for a representative that actually has their best interest in mind, unlike Garcia who is just looking for his next election to rig.”– Katie Prill, NRCC Spokeswoman