5 Reasons Why It’s A Very Bad Morning For Democrats Like President Obama And Annie Kuster
There’s a new poll out in New Hampshire this morning and it’s not good at all for Annie Kuster.
Just 35 percent of Granite Staters approve of President Obama while 60 percent disapprove. National Journal’s Ron Fournier this morning said the president is “an anvil for Democrats.”
Here are 5 reasons the Kuster campaign will not be happy with this poll…
1. Kuster just this year said she’s “one of the strongest supporters of the president in the entire United States Congress”
2. She votes with Obama 87 percent of the time
3. Kuster said she was inspired to run for Congress because of President Obama
4. Headlines like this: “Kuster’s choice: A firm embrace of Obama”
5. And lastly, her literal embrace of Obama earlier this year
NRCC COMMENT:“Annie Kuster better be ready. This election will be a referendum on her role as ‘one of the strongest supporters of the president in the entire United States Congress.’ The Granite State can vote against Obama by voting out Annie Kuster.” – Matt Gorman, NRCC Spokesman