Secretary of Homeland Security At Odds With Staci Appel’s View On Terrorism
The Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson testified before the House Committee on Homeland Security today and declared that Western passports in the hands of Islamic terrorists remain a high level threat to our homeland security.
When questioned by Rep. Peter King on revoking passports of potential terrorists, Secretary Johnson said:
This goes in direct conflict with congressional candidate Staci Appel’s views on terrorism. At a debate last week, Appel said she would not seek to confiscate American passports from known terrorists helping the Islamic State.
Please consider the following comment as you cover this story and Staci Appel’s naïve view on terrorism.
“The Secretary of Homeland Security strongly contradicted Staci Appel’s inexperienced views on terrorism. The fact that Appel doesn’t believe America should revoke the U.S. passports of known terrorists is frightening. Iowans don’t want a Congresswoman who is soft on terrorism and doesn’t understand the threat the Islamic State poses to the United States, our allies, and our global interests.”– Tyler Q. Houlton, NRCC Spokesman