New NRCC TV Ad Highlights Rahall’s War on Coal

September 30, 2014

The National Republican Congressional Committee today launched a new television ad in West Virginia’s 3rd Congressional District. The ad focuses on Nick Rahall’s support for President Obama’s war on coal.

Watch the ad here.

NRCC comment: “When Nick Rahall isn’t busy defending his ‘sleazy’ and ‘deceptive’ campaign ads, he’s in Washington voting to advance Barack Obama’s anti-West Virginia agenda. Whether he’s supporting Obama’s cap-and-trade plan or voting for a devastating carbon tax, Nick Rahall is far more concerned with maintaining his ability to play pool with Obama than he is in standing up for West Virginia.” – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior


ATKINS: I was raised in West Virginia, coal is our way of life.

The war on coal is a war on us people.

I can see the effects in people’s lives as they struggle.

I really don’t believe Barack Obama understands us at all.

And Nick Rahall is on his side when he should be on our side.

We need someone to stand up against Barack Obama.

West Virginia needs a change, let’s replace Nick Rahall.

ANNCR: The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.