NRCC TV Ad Highlighting Rick Nolan’s Misplaced Priorities
Today, the NRCC is launching a new television ad highlighting Rick Nolan’s misplaced priorities. Rick Nolan’s vote against work requirements for welfare recipients and support for providing welfare to illegal immigrants hurts Minnesota’s working families.
NRCC Comment: “It’s sad that Rick Nolan wants to weaken work requirements for welfare recipients and give the same welfare benefits to illegal immigrants. Rick Nolan is making life harder for the middle class by putting the interests of illegal immigrants ahead of hardworking Minnesota families.”– Tyler Q. Houlton, NRCC Spokesman
ANNCR: What is Rick Nolan thinking? Hardworking Minnesota families worry about getting by.
Some even work two jobs. And Nolan votes against work requirements for welfare recipients?
Sound fair to you?
And how about Nolan saying he would grant citizenship to illegal immigrants.
Making them eligible for welfare too.
You work hard for a living, play by the rules. Rick Nolan just makes it harder.
The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.