NRCC TV Ad Highlighting Shea-Porter’s Partisanship in Washington
Good morning,
Today the NRCC went up on television in NH-01 with an ad entitled “100 percent.” The ad highlights Carol Shea-Porter’s hyper partisanship in Washington and her willingness to proudly be a rubber stamp for President Obama and Nancy Pelosi. The ad will be running in the Manchester and Boston broadcast markets.
Watch the ad here.
NRCC Comment: “Carol Shea-Porter is Washington D.C. gridlock personified. Despite already being voted out of office once for being so partisan and unwilling to compromise, Shea-Porter continues to be a shameless rubber stamp for Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi. Granite State families deserve an independent leader in Congress and the simple fact is that Carol Shea-Porter is one of the least independent Members of Congress.”– NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior
ANNCR: Carol Shea-Porter votes with Nancy Pelosi and Democratic leadership on every major piece of legislation.
For Obamacare, for the failed stimulus, and more.
When asked why, she says, quote, “they’re 100% right.”
Really? Shea-Porter voted 41 times for higher taxes.
And voted to raise the debt ceiling six times while the national debt has more than doubled since she first took office.
Carol She-Porter, too extreme for New Hampshire.
The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.