NRCC TV Ad Highlighting Staci Appel’s Record on Taxes, Spending and Terrorism

October 14, 2014

Good morning,

Today, the NRCC released a new television ad in Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District entitled “Trust.” The ad highlights Staci Appel’s reckless record on taxes, spending and terrorism.

Click here to watch the ad.

NRCC Comment: “Staci Appel’s priorities are wildly out of touch with Iowans. By supporting drastic tax hikes, massive spending increases, and giving U.S. passports to terrorists, Staci Appel is unfit to serve in Congress.” – Tyler Q. Houlton, NRCC Spokesman


ANNCR: Staci Appel has been caught plagiarizing, not once, not twice, but more than 20 times.

We can’t trust anything she says.

The truth? Appel said terrorists should be allowed to keep US Passports.

She voted for record spending, and higher taxes.

And she’ll do the same in Congress.

Record spending, higher taxes for us.

With Staci Appel’s failed record, you’d plagiarized it too.

The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.