Your Tax Dollars Are Paying For Thousands Of Government Workers To Stay Home
A shocking new report from The Washington Post today says that thousands of federal workers are being paid with tax dollars to do nothing. It’s yet another article that shows just how broken our bureaucracy has become.
Via The Washington Post‘s Lisa Rein:
“Tens of thousands of federal workers are being kept on paid leave for at least a month — and often for longer stretches that can reach a year or more — while they wait to be punished for misbehavior or cleared and allowed to return to work, government records show.
‘During a three-year period that ended last fall, more than 57,000 employees were sent home for a month or longer. The tab for these workers exceeded $775 million in salary alone.
‘While the employees stayed home, they not only collected paychecks but accrued pension earnings, vacation and sick days, and moved up the federal pay scale.”
There’s simply no excuse for this blatant abuse of taxpayer funds.