NRCC TV Ad Highlighting Joe Garcia’s Support for ObamaCare

October 21, 2014

Hey there –

The National Republican Congressional Committee is up with a new TV ad in Florida’s 26th District today. This ad is part of the NRCC’s $3.6M buy and will run on broadcast and cable in Miami.

Click here to watch the TV ad.

NRCC Statement: “Corrupt Joe Garcia supports a plan that cut $700 billion from Medicare. He has also made it clear he wants to raise the Social Security retirement age. South Florida seniors deserve better. Joe Garcia has not only embarrassed this district with his corruption scandals, now he’s failing our seniors.” – Katie Prill, NRCC Spokeswoman


ANNCR: Fact checkers call Garcia’s ads misleading and false.

The truth? It was Garcia who supported Obamacare, cutting $700 billion from Medicare.

And it was Garcia who supported a plan to raise the Social Security retirement age to 69, and cut benefits.

Joe Garcia. False attacks. Failing seniors.

Carlos Curbelo’s plan protects seniors.

And will make sure seniors get the benefits they deserve.

The National Republicans Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.