NRCC TV Ad Highlighting Nick Rahall’s War on Coal
Hey there,
The NRCC is up with another television ad in WV-03 entitled “Obama says.” The ad will run for the next week in the Bluefield-Beckley and Charleston-Huntington broadcast markets as well as cable.
Check out the ad here.
NRCC Comment: “Nick Rahall has stood by Barack Obama on every major piece of the president’s agenda, whether it be cap-and-trade, the EPA, or Obamacare. Now Obama himself has made it clear to West Virginia voters – a vote for Nick Rahall is a vote for Barack Obama and an agenda that includes the war on coal, Obamacare, and drastic cuts to Medicare.” – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior
ANNCR: The war on coal. Obamacare. 700 billion dollars in Medicare cuts.
Nick Rahall voted with Barack Obama for all of it.
Now Obama says –
OBAMA: I’m not on the ballot this fall.
But make no mistake, these policies are on the ballot.
Every single one of them.
ANNCR: A vote for Nick Rahall is a vote for the Obama agenda.
OBAMA: These policies are on the ballot.
Every single one of them.
ANNCR: The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.