NRCC TV Ad Highlight Nick Casey as a Reliable Vote for Obama
Hey there,
I wanted to share with you the NRCC’s new television ad in WV-02, airing through Election Day in the Charleston-Huntington broadcast market.
The ad can be viewed here.
NRCC Comment: “While Barack Obama has been forcing his disastrous agenda on hard working West Virginia families, ‘Super Lobbyist’ Nick Casey has been with him every step of the way. Whether he was supporting the wasteful trillion dollar stimulus, Obamacare, or the war on coal, Casey has shown he would be another reliable vote for Obama in Congress and that is just plain wrong for West Virginia.” – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior
ANNCR: Whose side is “super-lobbyist” Nick Casey on?
Casey lobbied for a corporation that relocated overseas, to avoid paying American taxes.
Casey supported Obama’s wasteful stimulus, that spent American tax dollars to create jobs in China.
Casey supported Obamacare.
And like Obama, he supported job killing coal regulations.
Liberal lobbyist Nick Casey.
Killing American jobs. Siding with Obama. Not you.
The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.