NRCC TV Ad Highlighting Brad Schneider’s Partisanship and Gridlock
Hey there –
The National Republican Congressional Committee is up on TV in Chicago today with a new ad hitting partisan politician Brad Schneider.
NRCC Statement: “Brad Schneider went to Washington and became a part of the problem. At every turn he has been a partisan politician causing more gridlock in Congress. If we want to fix Washington, we need to retire Schneider.” – Katie Prill, NRCC Spokeswoman
ANNCR: Washington and Illinois are suffering from partisanship and gridlock.
And Brad Schneider is part of the problem.
Schneider voted against all six budget resolutions this year.
And since he came into office, Schneider has voted to increase the debt limit three times.
Newspapers say Schneider has “delivered a partisan record.”
And is resorting to running a “dirty campaign.”
If we want to fix Washington and Illinois, we need to retire Brad Schneider.
The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.