An Early Christmas Gift For You: ObamaCare Means Higher Healthcare Premiums In 2015

December 4, 2014

  • Today, the Obama Administration announced what many in this country already knew: ObamaCare will cause healthcare premiums to rise in 2015.
  • Over a year after the law’s implementation, it’s still extremely unpopular. In fact, its higher premiums, canceled plans, and lost coverage are laid bare for all to see.
  • President Obama’s failures and this disastrous law will shape the 2016 election—much like it did in 2014.
  • The American people made it clear in 2014 that they’re sick and tired of a law that puts the government between patients and their doctors. It’s time for Democrats to listen to them.



The Obama Administration Admitted Average Healthcare Premiums Will Rise In 2015. “Many customers will face higher costs next year, the Obama administration acknowledged Thursday in a report that shows average premiums rising modestly.” (Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar, “Obama Administration Acknowledges Healthcare.Gov Average Premiums Will Rise For 2015,” Associated Press, 12/14/14)

Nancy Pelosi: “Democrats Stand Tall In Support” Of ObamaCare. “”I don’t think you can tell what will happen next year, but I will tell you this: Democrats stand tall in support of the Affordable Care Act,” Pelosi said.” (Sabrina Siddiqui, “Nancy Pelosi: Democrats ‘Stand Tall’ For Obamacare Ahead Of 2014 Elections,” The Huffington Post, 11/17/13)

Obamacare Website Costs Exceed $2 Billion, Study Finds. “The federal government’s Obamacare enrollment system has cost about $2.1 billion so far, according to a Bloomberg Government analysis of contracts related to the project.” (Alex Wayne, “Obamacare Website Costs Exceed $2 Billion, Study Finds,” Bloomberg, 9/24/14)

5 Million Americans Are Projected To See Their Plans Canceled, According To Insurance Industry Officials. “They said the widespread cancellations in the individual health insurance market — roughly 5 million and counting — are in line with what was projected under regulations drawn up by the administration in 2010, requirements that both insurers and businesses objected to at the time. Cancellations also are occurring in the small group market, which covers businesses with between two and 50 employees, they noted.” (Lisa Myers, “Insurers, State Officials Say Cancellation Of Health care Policies Just As They Predicted,” NBC News, 11/15/13)

Huffington Post Headline: “Obamacare Is More Unpopular Than Ever, Poll Shows”

  • A Poll From The Kaiser Family Foundation Shows ObamaCare Disapproval At 53 Percent. “The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation’s health care tracking poll for July reveals that 53 percent of people view the Affordable Care Act unfavorably, a jump of 8 percentage points since June. July’s results mark the fifth time since April 2010, and the first time since January, that at least half of Americans are not supportive of the health care reform law.” (Jeffrey Young, “Obamacare Is More Unpopular Than Ever, Poll Shows,” Huffington Post, 8/1/14)

In September 2014, President Obama’s Approval Rating Hit Its Lowest Mark Ever. “President Obama’s approval rating has sunk to an administration-low 38 percent, Gallup pollsters said Thursday.” (David K. Li, “Obama’s Approval Rating Sinks Even Lower: Poll,” New York Post, 9/5/14)