Ann Kirkpatrick: Seeing what’s wrong and doubling down

January 9, 2015


Remember that ad from last cycle that Nancy Pelosi’s Super PAC put out about Ann Kirkpatrick? You know, the one where it claims that she’s trying to fix Obamacare by “seeing what’s wrong, doing what’s right.”

Well, once again Kirkpatrick has proven that ad to be complete nonsense. Yesterday, Kirkpatrick voted against a commonsense fix to Obamacare that would help workers who have seen their hours cut by the law. In fact, the bill that Kirkpatrick voted against would help 2.6 million Americans making less than $30,000 a year that are the ones most at risk of having their hours and wages cut as a result of the 30-hour rule.

But even though nearly every other vulnerable Democrat voted for the bill, Kirkpatrick said no – just like she did last year on the bill that would allow people to keep their health care.

Maybe the ad should have said “Ann Kirkpatrick, seeing what’s wrong and doubling down.”

NRCC Comment: “Ann Kirkpatrick may try and convince Arizonans that she is working to fix what is wrong with Obamacare, but that is simply not how she is voting in Washington. The fact is, when it comes to making decisions for Arizona families and small businesses, Kirkpatrick listens to one voice and one voice alone – Nancy Pelosi’s.” – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior