A question Ann Kirkpatrick can’t – or won’t – answer

January 26, 2015

At a town hall on Friday, Ann Kirkpatrick’s double-speak about her “moderate” positions were exposed by a simple question she was unable – or unwilling – to answer.

As reported by the Arizona Republic, “David Huffman, 25, of Maricopa, said Kirkpatrick’s voting record shows she sticks with her party most of the time. ‘When you’re here in Arizona, you seem very moderate,’ he said. ‘When you go to D.C., you seem to be a little more liberal voting-wise. I want to know a few times you’ve gone against the grain, for the betterment of Arizona.Kirkpatrick didn’t answer with a specific example, but she said she puts her district first and has a lower vote-with-party score than many members.”

That’s right, Ann Kirkpatrick cannot name one instance where she has gone against her party for the betterment of Arizona.  And there’s a reason for that.

According to OpenCongress, Ann Kirkpatrick has voted with her party 98% of the time since returning in January. In fact, the few examples of when Kirkpatrick has voted “against” her party have almost exclusively been on procedural votes where the party classification is largely irrelevant or even nonsensical. On the substantive issues, it’s clear Kirkpatrick would rather go along with her party than stand up for Arizona families.




However, according to OpenCongress, there was one notable instance where Kirkpatrick voted “against” her party…by supporting Nancy Pelosi for Speaker.


One has to wonder why she didn’t mention that vote at the town hall.

 NRCC Comment: With the election behind her, Ann Kirkpatrick has chosen to vote with Nancy Pelosi 98% of the time while abandoning the Arizona voters who are desperate for an independent voice in Congress. Based on her voting record, Ann Kirkpatrick has completely given up on putting her district ahead of her party. – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter