Annie Kuster Wants You To Hire A Tax Accountant
When Annie Kuster isn’t busy bragging about being Barack Obama’s biggest cheerleader in Congress, she may want to take a look at an editorial recently featured in the New Hampshire Union Leader. It showcases how Obamacare, which Kuster supports 100%, is costing New Hampshire families more and more of their hard earned money.
This tax season, many families will be forced to hire an accountant to see just how much they will be penalized by the federal government for not adequately estimating their annual income (which they had to do when they were forced to sign up for Obamacare in the first place).
“To get a subsidy on the health insurance exchange, people had to estimate their annual income. If they pegged it too low, they got a bigger subsidy than the government allowed, and they will have to repay the difference. A lot of people are going to owe more than they anticipated.”
If anyone is wondering if Annie Kuster cares that New Hampshire families will be losing more of their paycheck thanks to Obamacare, we’ll save you the suspense – she doesn’t. But don’t take our word for it. According to the nonpartisan Ballotpedia, “Kuster has voted against all attempts to repeal or delay the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.”
NRCC Comment: “Annie Kuster’s unwavering support of Obamacare further demonstrates just how out of touch she is with everyday New Hampshire families. New Hampshire families deserve better than a representative like Annie Kuster who brags about being Barack Obama’s biggest supporter when she should instead be standing up against his costly policies.” -NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack
Obamacare ‘surprise: More tax bill headaches
New Hampshire Union-Leader
January 26, 2015
If only someone had predicted that Obamacare would be a costly, monstrous burden to America.
Anyone who has watched television since the new year probably has seen those tax-preparation company ads in which the spokesman warns people that the Affordable Care Act will have a big impact on their taxes, so they should hire a professional this year. The ads are pretty good, but the company could have dispensed with the actor and simply quoted IRS spokesman Mark Hanson.
“We’re really encouraging taxpayers to consider using software or going to a professional, either volunteer or paid, to help them navigate the provisions of the Affordable Care Act,” Hanson said.
It turns out that a complex and opaque law governing Americans’ personal finances and health generates tons of work for lawyers and accountants. Who knew?
Several New Hampshire-based tax preparers told this newspaper last week that they expect Obamacare to bring them many more clients this year, and they expect those clients to be angry. To get a subsidy on the health insurance exchange, people had to estimate their annual income. If they pegged it too low, they got a bigger subsidy than the government allowed, and they will have to repay the difference. A lot of people are going to owe more than they anticipated.
According to federal data, 40,262 Granite Staters bought health insurance on the exchange last year. State data show that 88 percent of them got federal subsidies.
All of this cost and complexity just to make health insurance more “affordable.” Surely Americans do not believe that this is the only or the best way to accomplish that goal.