Gwen Graham Swings. Gwen Graham Strikes Out.
Gwen Graham’s first major support of a Barack Obama proposal is one so absurd that even Barack Obama has abandoned it. Of course, we are talking about the Graham-approved plan to tax middle class college savings accounts to provide “free” community college.
Let’s review quickly. After Barack Obama proposed providing free community college for everyone in America, Gwen Graham couldn’t throw her support behind the proposal fast enough.
“One of the most important parts of Obama’s speech, according to Graham, was his proposal for free community college…” -Tallahassee Democrat
The only problem was that Obama’s $60 billion plan came with a tax on college savings accounts. As to be expected, the NRCC kindly reminded the people of North Florida of Graham’s support for the tax increase. Graham then cried foul by sending out a campaign e-mail blasting the NRCC for drawing attention to her double speak.
This is where Graham puts herself in a box.
In that e-mail, Graham states, “No amount of name-calling or mudslinging can bully us into silence. Join our fight to give all of North Florida’s students a chance at higher education.” That’s interesting given Obama’s recent abandonment of the proposal.
So what happens to Graham’s support now? How passionate is her support for taxing middle class college savings accounts to provide free community college? Will she go it alone? Does she now assert her so-called political independence by sending out another campaign e-mail attacking the President for abandoning the first big issue she championed? Will Graham try to pivot by saying we will pay for the plan by cutting government spending elsewhere? If so, where? But most importantly, why did she support a plan to tax middle class college savings accounts in the first place?