Gwen Graham’s 138 Word Dodge

February 4, 2015

dodgeballThe House of Representatives last night voted on legislation to repeal Obamacare, which passed 239 – 186.  How do you think Gwen Graham voted?

If you refer to Graham’s campaign ad where she says “Obamacare has got to be changed so it works for North Florida,” you might think she voted to repeal Obamacare.  But if you refer to her remarks behind closed doors where Graham agrees that Obamacare is good thing, you might think she voted to keep Obamacare.

Certainly Graham’s 138 word statement that she released immediately following the vote to repeal Obamacare states how she voted on the measure, right?   Not so much.  Graham refused to say how she voted, much like her refusal to explain how she will pay for free community college for everyone in America or if she supports the President’s disastrous budget.

For one month on the job, Gwen Graham sure has that whole “slick ducking and dodging politician” thing down really well.  Oh, and in case you were wondering, Graham voted against the repeal of Obamacare, against North Florida families and against North Florida seniors.

NRCC Comment: “Gwen Graham’s refusal to state how she voted on Obamacare is the latest example of Graham not being straightforward with the people of North Florida.  North Florida families deserve more than a representative who is very quickly becoming a seasoned politician doing all that she can to dodge and deceive her constituents.” -NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack