7 More Delusional Predictions from House Democrats
February 6, 2015
Today the DCCC released a memo predicting that it would retake the House in 2016 and could in up to 70 seats. Just to review, House Democrats made the same predictions in 2014, 2012 and predicted that they would keep the House in 2010.
As crazy as that is, however, check out these other crazy predictions we’re hearing from House Democrats:
1. Brian Williams wins newscaster of the year for 2015.
2. The new Star Wars and Avengers movies will be massive box office busts
3. The Jacksonville Jaguars will win Super Bowl 50
4. No one in Washington will talk/tweet about House of Cards Season 3
5. The sun will begin to rise in the West and set in the East
6. Dustin Diamond’s career will be revived by Jimmy Fallon’s Saved by the Bell skit (even though he wasn’t in it)
7. All Metro trains will run on time for an entire week