Valley Democrats Say “No Thanks”

March 9, 2015

Democrats sure are having a rough time in the Valley lately. Despite intense recruiting efforts, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has been rebuffed by not just one, but two of their top picks in California’s 21st Congressional

First, Amanda Renteria, a former congressional candidate who got walloped by nearly 20 points in 2014, declined to run again, citing an interest in a state assembly seat. Or maybe it was for a possible position on Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Anything but running for Congress again.

Just this past weekend, the Fresno Bee reported that emergency room doctor Joaquin Arambula turned down the DCCC’s overtures to run, citing family obligations.

“I have a wife and I intend to stay married,” Arambula said. “She came as close as possible to putting her foot down and saying she doesn’t want to raise our kids alone.”

Sounds like that door is pretty firmly shut. Which begs the question, have local Democrats given up on the 21st District seat?

NRCC Comment: “With Valley Democrats hesitant to run in the 21st District, it looks like national Democrats will be scraping the bottom of the recruiting barrel for 2016. After Renteria’s nearly 20 point loss in 2014, it’s no wonder local Democrats are choosing to sit 2016 out.” – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter