Does Anyone Else Besides Extreme Emily Cain Think That Her Announcement Went Well?
Did you see the e-mail from Extreme Emily Cain bragging about the “incredible” response to her announcement that she’s running for Congress…again? Apparently her campaign team thinks that Extreme Emily “couldn’t have kicked off this campaign any better.”
Just last Tuesday, the Kennebec Journal & Morning Sentinel reported that Cain’s announcement won’t scare off two Democrats thinking of running. Then on Sunday, the Portland Press Herald ran an article where even Ethan Strimling, a member of Cain’s own political party, admits multiple times that Extreme Emily made a mistake announcing her candidacy 20 months before the election.
If it’s any consolation for Extreme Emily, the NRCC agrees that her campaign “couldn’t have kicked off any better.” The only difference is that we think it couldn’t have kicked off any better for those who want to see Bruce Poliquin continue fighting for bipartisan solutions in Washington to create jobs and hold the line on taxes.