NRCC Previews “Chat Like A Clinton” App to Help Democrats Communicate like a Clinton

March 12, 2015

Hillary Clinton departs Malta for Liyba

With the current controversy surrounding Hillary Clinton and her private email server, the National Republican Congressional Committee is previewing a new app, “Chat Like A Clinton,” to help Hillary Clinton and House Democrats communicate on the 2016 campaign trail without having to worry about their emails ever being subject to review or even a subpoena.

“Chat Like A Clinton” revolutionizes the way Democrats can communicate with Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democrat nominee for President in 2016. As the 2016 election cycle gets closer, it will be imperative for Democrats to share all kinds of strategy and information with Clinton without the public knowing. Whether the subject is how to talk about Benghazi, how to support Nancy Pelosi’s agenda on the sly, or how to transition Obamacare to a single payer health care system, “Chat Like A Clinton” is a must for all House Democrats, Incumbents or Challengers; especially for those who can’t figure out how to have more than one email account on a single device.

“Chat Like A Clinton” can be previewed at

“If Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats are planning to ride Hillary Clinton’s coattails for the 2016 election, they should at least get to have the same level of secrecy and lack of transparency as their presumptive presidential nominee,” said NRCC Communications Director Katie Martin. “Developing a new app that immediately deletes all emails is clearly the best solution for a party that doesn’t have a message worth saving.”